Sophie Sornet


Namaste! My name is Sophie, I welcome you to this page to tell you a little bit more about me.
I am French, leaving in Catalunya, Spain.
I have a regular practice of Hatha, Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga since 5 years now. Yoga transformed into a real passion and way of life for me.

Sophie Sornet Namastecita yoga mats esterillas

Yoga Style

I first certified as a Hatha Yoga teacher (Yoga alliance - 250 Hrs YTT) and I currently am getting trained in Vinyasa Krama Yoga (based on the Ramaswami teachings), in a school in Barcelona.

My philosophy

I am fascinated by this discipline, combining both health of the mind and health of the body. I like making people understand better all its benefits. For me the yoga practice should be respecting the principle of ‘Ahimsa’, meaning it should be adapted and respectful to yourself. Yoga practice is a powerful tool for self awareness.

Sophie Sornet Namastecita yoga mats esterillas 2

Yoga Lessons

During my classes, we practice Prānāyāma (breathing exercises), Asāna (postures) and Meditation.
I give classes of Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga (in english, french and spanish, on demand).

Get in touch!

Instagram: Sophie Yoga Classes 

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