Sun salutation, mountain pose, downward facing dog... Does that sound like Chinese to you? Well, all these "strange" words refer to an ancient discipline that helps balance the body and mind, whose origin is in India: Yoga.
The main objective of yoga is to find the best version of oneself, and its practice must be done honestly, demandingly but without forcing or judging ourselves at any time.
Yoga encompasses our entire being, and when you hear someone say that yoga has changed their life, believe them, because although it may be difficult to understand, it is something totally true that you discover the moment you practice it. In fact, I can tell you that doing yoga has changed my own life.
The moment I took up yoga as a lifestyle, and not just a physical activity, everything changed. And for the better, of course.
Yoga will change our mind, and as we practice it, it will change our perception of the environment, our interests, concerns, etc. At Namastecita we want to give you some humble advice, if you are looking to achieve the same.
How to make Yoga a lifestyle?
But the most frequently asked question is, how does yoga become a lifestyle? Obviously, practicing yoga one day is not going to change our life, and yoga needs time to mature and conquer us.
We must take yoga as a philosophy of life, in which we begin a path of self-knowledge and constant learning.
If we do it this way, we will see how the practice of asanas (postures) will bring us more and more benefits. And not only in terms of strength, endurance, or flexibility, but yoga is very effective for relaxing, combating stress and anxiety, sleeping better, or improving back posture, among many other benefits that everyone should enjoy.
Keep in mind that each asana has a meaning and purpose in the body, and they are much more than just postures.
If we start practicing it, we like it and we delve into it, with complete certainty, sooner or later yoga will end up being a lifestyle.

Through asanas, meditation, and delving into ancient texts at the hands of a teacher, we transform ourselves. This doesn't mean that I'm suddenly a different person, but that I'm the same, I've just evolved. Yoga as a way of life has entered us.
The asanas are just the gateway. Yoga without meditation, without study or self-study and without a teacher, is Fitness. That's all very well, but let's not expect a change from that.
For the magic of yoga to occur, the above must be accomplished with discipline and self-determination.
My practical advice
Well, a lot of blah blah blah, but how do I achieve all this? I give you some advice that, from my personal experience, has helped me.- Don't overdo it from the beginning. The first step is to buy a non-slip yoga mat and play a YouTube video. Obviously, it's better if you can go to an in-person class, but maybe you're not ready yet, or decided to invest in it. For example, I like to follow the practices of Elena Malova or Xuan Lan. They have 15 minute videos, perfect to get started, and a first goal could be to do one of these small practices every day.
- Define a time in which you will practice your yoga sessions. This is the way to incorporate it into your routine. For example, I love doing it in the morning, and I've been in the habit for so long that if I don't do it one day, my body demands it.
- Prepare your "mini yoga space". You must feel at ease. I love putting candles, incense, aromatic oils, soft light... What do you like?
- Wait until you feel ready for the next step. No pressure. In my case, after 2 years of doing yoga only with YouTube videos, I felt it was time to go to classes and do it in a more technical and professional way.
- Invest in good accessories. A non-slip yoga towel, a non-slip yoga blanket, or a natural rubber yoga mat can make a difference in your practice.
- Buy eco-friendly yoga mats. Respect for the environment is fundamental in the philosophy of yoga.
- Share your experiences. Talking to other practitioners can enrich your path and help you stay motivated.
- Use non-slip mats. To avoid injuries and improve your stability, a 4mm or 6mm non-slip yoga mat is ideal.